
A life coach is someone who shares your journey and who is there to support you in achieving your deepest desires. Life Coaching is a way for you to bring forth all of who you are so that you can live a life of high energy, and fulfillment on your path. The journey begins in the exploration of you, your unique gifts, talents and beliefs.

“Sometimes, you are just going along doing your life and then suddenly, WHAM, your whole life changes. Maybe you lose your job, your spouse, your health, your finances, a friendship, or something else happens that is completely unexpected and you find yourself in new territory needing assistance. Years ago I found myself in one of those moments. I was an Industrial Engineer at the top of my game. But suddenly I found myself having flash backs of a serious trauma that happened when I was young. My whole life seemed to fall apart. I didn’t know which way to turn. Amazingly, almost miraculously, the Universe introduced me to Karen. Through her compassionate guidance I was able to not only heal my wounds from the past, but get clear about who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life. I completely switched gears and headed off in a new direction. I’m now a recognized authority in an entirely different field and have thousands of newsletter subscribers from around the globe. I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for Karen’s skillful assistance. I will be forever grateful.”
- Debbie "Takara" Shelor, Engineer, Author, Creator of Dancing Dolphin Essences, Radford, Virginia

Coaching is an investment in you. It is a confidential and committed partnership between you and your Coach. It is results-oriented and provides great assistance in moving forward toward your goals and creating the change that you desire.

My approach to Life Coaching is unique in that for the past 40 years I've had a wide range of career experiences in counseling, body/mind integration, yoga/meditation, teaching, public speaking, leading retreats, and facilitating workshops. A student of personal development and the Life Coaching Process, I understand what it takes to live in harmony with one’s inner values.

"Coaching with Karen has been a liberating and empowering experience. I have felt very safe and valued, and at the same time she has challenged me in uniquely personal ways to own my life and become more than I have ever allowed myself to be. Thank you, Karen, for your sacred investment of time, intention and energy!
- Kyler Dunn, Massage Therapist, Oregon

One of the benefits of working with a Life Coach is that it is not limited by location. Whether you are traveling for business, on vacation anywhere in the world, or simply juggling life’s many activities and responsibilities, we can easily connect via Skype (an online chat/audio/video service) or by phone. Of course, sessions can also be scheduled face-to-face, when convenient.

Contact me for your free 30-minute coaching consultation!

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