Sunday, September 12, 2010

Women in Transition

Change is something women struggle with throughout their lives.

The high school student wonders, “What do I want to do with my life?”

Another woman asks, “My children are all grown. Now what?” or “I never had children, and I’m getting older. Now what?”

“My parents are aging…how do I cope?”

Women are faced with moving, divorce, career changes, ailing spouses…the list goes on.

As a Life Coach, I support women of all ages faced with challenging decisions and situations. I guide women on how to view all options, listen to their inner voice, and adjust their perspective. The stress and upset often associated with transitions can be replaced with strength and possibly for what lies ahead.

I grew up in a household full of women, listening to my grandmother and her sister tell me stories of love and loss and everything in between! When I was older, my godmother came to live with me. She was blind, wheelchair bound, and severely diabetic, but I was by her side, singing and reading to her, when she passed peacefully.

One of the biggest lessons I learned being around elder women was that each transition, even our final one, is a beautiful part of life. My goal as a Life Coach is that each woman I work with, whether she’s returning to work after a new baby or moving into a senior community, sees her transition in the same way. Acknowledging and celebrating change feels a lot better than fearing it.

“To keep our faces toward change, and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable.” – 
                                            Helen Keller

Karen Schweitzer Life Coach

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What kind of Relationship Do you Have?

    As spiritual beings having a human experience we have many types of relationships. Our family of origins, parents, grandparents, and others, whoever were our prime caregivers growing up, modeled for us how to be in relationship.
    Through adolescent, young adulthood and now even in my elderhood i catch myself at times still dancing to the tune of my family’s beliefs and customs. The voices, singing the shoulds creative havoc with my desire to become aware and conscious. I consider myself to be generous and have worked hard to have clear boundaries but sometimes these intentions collapse and my life echoes that of those who reared me.
     Most people have heard the term "co-dependency" thrown around in unflattering ways. When I first heard the word "Codependent" I didn’t think it had anything to do with me personally. I was a giver, plan and simple. It wasn’t until I began my studies in addiction that I recognized that underlying my ‘giving’ was a deep seated behavior that was contributing to my unhappiness, and that was codependency.
    What is co-dependency, and why is it harmful? Why should we care about this strange sounding phenomenon?        
    My experience of Co-dependency is that it is an umbrella term that represents an entire range of feelings and beliefs that determine behavior. Shame, suffering, and self-abuse, is the three- step dance that most of us become efficient in. I define codependency as a compulsive, self-abusive way of living - a prison that we are trapped in as long as we are reacting.  In my codependent dance I became the victim, and my own perpetrator rescuing myself with people, places, and things that weren’t safe and didn’t serve me.
    The dynamics of codependency are universal and predictable because all human beings share the same emotions and emotional process.  Each of us is unique and different in the details of our lives, in the flavor of codependency we adapted - but we all have the same basic internal dynamic
    Some of the signs and symptoms are: perfectionism, manipulation, rigidity and need to control, low-self-esteem, overreacting, black and white thinking, being super-responsible or super-irresponsible,  denying feelings ( numb to feelings) fear, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, hurt, and shame. Sounds like a fun thing, right? A co-dependent person can actually forget what his or her needs, desires, feelings about things even are.
    Fortunately, there is hope. Through my work as a Life Coach I can help you take back your power and live a life of empowerment while still growing as a giver and a receiver of the abundance that is here for you to experience. The important thing is that you start, because denial is not that river in Egypt.

Karen Schweitzer Life Coach

Return from this post to the Karen Schweitzer Life Coach home page.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wellness Life Coaching

Through Wellness Life Coaching you will unlock your potential, heal the blocks that prevent you from living your truth, improve relationships with the ones you love, and find greater clarity in your life path and purpose. Working from a Body/Mind/Spirit perspective all aspects of the uniqueness that is you is explored.

You will take back your life. Millions of Americans suffer from emotional eating as a result of being upset, angry, sad, bored, stressed, or anxious. You will recognize, understand, and breakdown your personal emotional eating cycle, learning why and when you do it, what effects is has on your body, and strategies to strengthen willpower and stop emotional eating in its tracks. Guilt and frustration become part of the past. From curbing cravings to losing weight and feeling great, through Wellness Coaching I share with you the knowledge you need to become aware of how choosing nutritionally rich foods can lead to a full and healthy life! I have over a decade of experience and training in the nutrition field, specializing in gourmet vegetarian and raw/life food nutrition. This is not about depriving yourself of delicious foods or counting calories to the point of obsession. My method is to encourage you to make decisions that have a positive effect on your body, mind, and spirit. We work together to create a program that is right just for you, through food choices, lifestyle routines and playtime.

You will enjoy better health and feel more connected in your body/mind and spirit. Through proven, result oriented techniques, you will develop greater clarity, improve your memory increase your focus, and quiet the monkey mind you’re your Life Coach I will guide you on how to develop a deeper capacity for peace, joy and harmony, as well as improve relationship with your self and those you care about most.